Page Type - Expandable Content

The Expandable Content with Categories page type allows a club to display expandable content entries separated into various categories within a single page. Each category will display all the content blocks associated with it, allowing the user to expand and collapse the block as desired. The Expandable Content page type allows a club to create multiple content entries within a single page which can be collapsed and expanded as desired.

Please select the Page Type instructions based on your website's design type:

  • Expandable Content with Categories
  • Expandable

Creating an Expandable Content with Categories

  1. On the Content Tree select where you would like the Expandable Content with Categories page to appear on your website
  2. Click on the New(+) button located above the Content Tree
  3. Select the Expandable Content With Categories page type
  1. Enter the name of the page that will appear on the navigation
  2. Click Save

Creating an Expandable Content Category

  1. Select the Expandable Content with Categories page on the Content Tree
  2. Click on the New(+) button located above the Content Tree
  3. Select Expandable Content Category
  1. Enter the name of the Category

Optional Publish From and Publish To >>

Inserting a Publish From date will allow you to dictate when content saved on a page should be visible on the Live Site. Prior to the Publish To date, only the previously published content (if available), will be visible on the Live Site. If the content on the page has never been published prior to Publish From date, the entire page will not be visible until the date entered. Inserting a Publish To date will allow you to dictate when the published content should no longer be visible on the Live Site. Time sensitive content would be a reason to set a Publish To date to ensure that the content is no longer visible on the Live Site after the date that has been entered. Once the target date is reached, the page will enter an unpublished state.

In order to set a Publish From/To date you will need to follow these steps:

  • To set a date and time in the future for when the page should be published/unpublished, click on the calendar icon
  • To publish the page instantly click on the 'Now' link
  • Once you are satisfied with the settings click on the Save button (if applicable)


  1. Click on Save or Save and Create Another if you wish to create additional categories

Creating an Expandable Content Entry

  1. Select the Content Category page on the Content Tree
  2. Click on the New(+) button located above your Content Tree
  3. Select Expandable Content Entry
  1. Enter the name of the Content Entry
  2. Enter the content you wish to have displayed in this entry in the Main Text content box (text, image, hyperlinks, etc.)

Optional - Publish From 

Inserting a Publish from date will allow you to dictate when content saved on a page should be visible on the Live Site. Prior to the Publish to date, only the previously published content (if available), will be visible on the Live Site. If the content on the page has never been published prior to Publish from date, the entire page will not be visible until the date has been entered.
  • To set a date and time in the future for when the page should be published, click on the calendar icon
  • To publish the page instantly click on the Now link

Optional - Publish To 

Inserting a Publish to date will allow you to dictate when the published content should no longer be visible on the Live Site. Time sensitive content would be a reason to set a Publish to date to ensure that the content is no longer visible on the Live Site after the date that has been entered. Once the target date is reached, the page will enter an unpublished state
  • To set a date and time in the future for when the page should be unpublished, click on the calendar icon
  • To unpublish the page instantly, click on the Now link


  1. Click on Save or Save and Create Another if you wish to create additional content entries

Editing an Expandable Content with Categories, Category or Entry

  1. Select the Expandable Content with Categories or Category or Entry from the Content Tree that you wish to edit
  2. Click on the Form tab
  3. Complete the desired changes
  4. Click on the Save button

Note: There are two editable content boxes on the Page tab of the Expandable Content page that display above and below the Expandable Content Categories/Entries which can be utilized to add the title of the page, text, images, hyperlinks, etc.

Deleting an Expandable Content with Categories, Category or Entry

  1. Select the Expandable Content with Categories or Category or Entry from the Content Tree that needs to be deleted
  2. Click on the Delete (trash can) icon located at the top of the Content Tree
  3. You will be asked: Are you sure you want to delete the selected page?
  4. Leave the check boxes empty and click on Yes to delete the selected page

Creating an Expandable Content

  1. On the Content Tree select where you would like the Expandable Content page to appear on your website
  2. Click on the New(+) button located above the Content Tree
  3. Select the Page (menu item) page
  1. Search for the expandable page and select the Expandable Content template
  2. Enter the name of the page that will appear on the navigation
  3. Click Save
  4. Click Publish for the page to be visible on the Live Site

Creating an Expandable Content Entry

  1. Select the Expandable Content page on the Content Tree
  2. Click on the New(+) button located above the Content Tree
  3. Select Expandable Content (Requires Expandable Content Page Template)
  1. Enter the name of the Expandable Content Entry 
  2. Enter the content you wish to have displayed in this entry in the Main Text content box (text, image, hyperlinks, etc.)

Optional Publish From and Publish To >>

Inserting a Publish From date will allow you to dictate when content saved on a page should be visible on the Live Site. Prior to the Publish To date, only the previously published content (if available), will be visible on the Live Site. If the content on the page has never been published prior to Publish From date, the entire page will not be visible until the date entered. Inserting a Publish To date will allow you to dictate when the published content should no longer be visible on the Live Site. Time sensitive content would be a reason to set a Publish To date to ensure that the content is no longer visible on the Live Site after the date that has been entered. Once the target date is reached, the page will enter an unpublished state.

In order to set a Publish From/To date you will need to follow these steps:

  • To set a date and time in the future for when the page should be published/unpublished, click on the calendar icon
  • To publish the page instantly click on the 'Now' link
  • Once you are satisfied with the settings click on the Save button (if applicable)


  1. Click on Save or Save and Create Another if you wish to create additional content entries

Editing an Expandable Content Entry

  1. Select the Expandable Content Entry from the Content Tree that you wish to edit
  2. Click on the Form tab
  3. Complete the desired changes
  4. Click on the Save button

Note: There are two editable content boxes on the Page tab of the Expandable Content page that display above and below the Expandable Content Entries which can be utilized to add the title of the page, text, images, hyperlinks, etc.

Deleting an Expandable Content or Content Entry

  1. Select the Expandable Content or Content Entry from the Content Tree that needs to be deleted
  2. Click on the Delete (trash can) icon located at the top of the Content Tree
  3. You will be asked: Are you sure you want to delete the selected page?
  4. Leave the check boxes empty and click on Yes to delete the selected page