Utilizing Media Libraries within a Social Group

Media Libraries is where all media will be stored for the group. Any images, documents or other related files that are shared within the group will be stored here. From the Media Libraries section any files that are available in the group will be stored here. Separate folders can be organized depending on the content.

Create a Media Library

In order to create a Media Library you will need to follow these steps:
  1. From the Groups menu, click on the pencil of the Group you wish to edit
  2. Click on the Media Libraries menu
  3. Click on the New Media Library button
  4. Enter in the following details for the Media Library
    • Display name - What the name of the Media Library will display as in the Group
    • Description - A brief summary of what is stored in the Media Library
    • Teaser image - A logo that can be updated to represent the Media Library

Edit a Media Library

Once a Media Library has been created, any of the settings can be edited following these steps:

  1. From the Groups menu, click on the pencil of the Group you wish to edit
  2. Click on the Media Libraries menu
  3. Click on the pencil next to the Media Library you wish to edit
  4. The following setting menus will be displayed:
    • General - From this menu the name of the Media Library can be changed as well as a description of the types of files that are available. The default name of the media library is the same as the group name but doesn't need to be. A teaser image can also be uploaded to replace the default icon used for the Media Library.
    • Security - The Security tab is where the Group Admin will decide who has the ability to create, delete, modify or view files/folders within the library. By default, only Group Admins have full access to the media library and additionally group members can view the content. These settings can be changed to provide group members access to create, delete or modify files and folders or any registered member.