Configuring Lessons Staff Scheduling

To add a schedule for a Lessons Staff:

  1. Within the Staff Scheduling window, double click an open slot beside a staff member's name which will open a Shift Entry Form in a new window.
  1. Within the Shift Entry Form, set the following fields:
    • Custom Time: checkmark and set the time of the shift.
    • Department: select the applicable department via the drop down.
    • Job: select the applicable job via the drop down.
    • Type: select the applicable shift type (example - Work).
    • Notes: optional to add notes regarding the shift.
  2. Click Save and Exit to create this shift or Save and New to create this shift then create an additional shift for this staff member, or click Repeat if you would like to create a recurring shift and continue to the step below.
  1. If creating a recurring schedule, in the Recurrence window fill out the reoccurring fields as they apply to this staff member then click OK. This will switch you to the Review tab where you can uncheck any dates that you don't want included in the schedule and will show any conflicting dates. Click Create to create the recurring schedule.