Single Image Upload

Single image upload is best used when you are just testing a few photos for a new album or if you forgot to include photos in an existing album.

In order to upload a single file to your Content Tree, you will need to follow these steps:
  1. Select the Album name from the Content Tree.
  2. Click on the New (+) button located at the top of the Content Tree
  3. Click on File it should be the only page type to choose from 
  1. Click on the Upload file button
  1. Select from your Computer which file you wish to upload and click on Open
Note: Please edit, crop, resize and rename the images on your computer before you upload the file(s)


  1. Once the file has completed uploading, the file name will display in the Upload File section
  2. Optional step is to enter text in the File Description box. This allows you to include a caption for the image. This can be edited/added/removed at another time using the Form Tab as well
  3. Click on the Save button

The file you have just uploaded will appear as a child object of the page you selected in your Content Tree.

Once the images are uploaded you also have the option to manage the image (edit caption for each individual image, change the order that they appear or delete any photos that got uploaded in error).